RMMRC Sponsor Portal

Join mining, reclamation and water science professionals, researchers, analysts, educators, policymakers and regulators on May 22-24 in Leadville, CO to expand the reach of our conference. This three day conference is a unique opportunity to engage with longtime partners while at the same time welcoming new geographies, organizations, and interests all in the name of benefiting watersheds in the Rockies.

This year’s event is focused on Elevating our Impact: Elevated Technologies, Elevated Treatment Methods, Working at Elevation, Elevating Perspectives Across Geographic Boundaries, and Elevating Perspectives Between Agencies.

Our aim is to advance the science and policy of legacy mine remediation and water quality as it relates to improving mining practices and addressing water quality impairments in our larger region.

Organizations and industry representatives can increase visibility more than ever with this expanded conference. Sponsor support is critical to event a success and allows the conference committee to create a visionary event that is affordable and accessible. Sponsors and exhibitors will receive valuable exposure to a growing audience of decision makers from Colorado and beyond.

Secure your sponsorship today! Conference registration will open shortly.


Sponsors at Copper level and higher will be sent instructions for how to claim included registrations in advance of public registration opening.


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Thank you for supporting science and education in the San Juans. We couldn't do it without you!

NOTE: Please only click the 'SUBMIT' button once. Your payment may take time to process.

NOTE: Please only click the 'SUBMIT' button once. Your payment may take time to process.